Thursday 21 March 2013

Things in the Woods

Mountain Puppy!

Hot Springs

Nothing like a walk down to some hot springs at the bottom of a jungle like valley after a tough days walk.  It was so good I went back at 6am the next morning.

Wednesday 20 March 2013



A Friendly Local

Chicken in a Valley

House on a Hill

Through the Rhododendron Forest

'Hi I'm Ram, like the goat but not a goat.'

Teaching Jess a Nepali dance

Poon Hill

Up at 3:50am to walk for an hour to see the sun rise over the Annapurna mountains

The view from our bedroom in Ghorephani

Ummm Sugar Cane

Some friends we made on the way

The route gets steeper!

Waterfalls, Mules & Mountain Scenery

Jess has found a walking stick for the trip.

A Stroll in the Mountains

Our 6 day trek begins with a short 3 hour easy walk.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Sadhu's gather in Kathmandu for the Maha Shivratri festival

Shiva's festival in Nepal means marijuana is legal for the day.  These Sadhu's get together to bun weed become more humble and gain enlightenment. One had a pug!